KUSTOMIZERKURT..we are one kustom world

Freitag, 30. März 2018

This June...

...see you there

Flake up your life...

...pic by Butcher//www

Some days in Hamburg...some pics nearly without customs...

...the famous Elb Philharmonie...

...one of the last originals...

Flakturm Heiligengeistfeld...

....Miniatur wonderland....AWESOME...you MUST SEE...

...nice cars...Taunus coupe...

...americans on diner...


Naval Museum...Quenn Mary 2...in LEGO..

...Zero fighting...

...Bismark Battle Ship...

...all this for Amiral Tirpitz...i think his breast was not big enough...

...Bone Ships...

...Battleship Yamato...


...the dirty Reeperbahn...

...Choppers in wonderland...

...the End...at Haifischbar!