KUSTOMIZERKURT..we are one kustom world

Dienstag, 31. Januar 2012

Schweden 2006...

...the bikes back at home...i like this pic!

......Ratchet Top problems somewhere in swedish outback!

...Friends projects...

....Custom Bike Show Norrtälje...

....Twin Club campground...

...meeting Italians on the way home.

Samstag, 28. Januar 2012

LEGO Racers.....

....Hot Rods built by Lego !cool , also for kids over 40ty!

This Saturday,the plan was....

....to go to DRAGGERS Art show in Munich, but we canceled the trip, because of heavy snow the hole night, and we are tired to spend the whole day on the Autobahn-Stau,i´m a little bit sad about that, because i was courious about the show, but shit happens!