KUSTOMIZERKURT..we are one kustom world

Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011


..great picture, stolen from magazine "Motorrad Classic", shows early Dieter Braun Racing,..yes these guys are "authentic"!

Custombike 2008....

.....with my friend Bernd(WW Gladbeck),thanks Nobbi

Samstag, 23. Juli 2011


1979.....everbody wants to be like SWAN:"Wo bist du denn schon gewesen"!

Alice Cooper, arround 1975...or earlier...

...this Poster used to be in  me and my brothers room, when we were kids, and we liked it so much!its Killer!

Montag, 18. Juli 2011

Choppertownnation, more pics..

El Cheapos cool Shovel

KKs ridin home, pics from Armin, Kustom-Armin blogspot.com, thanx!