KUSTOMIZERKURT..we are one kustom world

Donnerstag, 24. März 2011

Samstag, 19. März 2011

A long time ago, even some kids in germany were skaters, too


Invitation, 1.Europian Indoor Freestyle Championship, Mainz,1978

My beloved Blizzard Board

KK does the Freestyle(check out the socks!!)

Invitation, Bavarian Freestyle Championship, Munich 1977

Saturday, 19.03.2011

We are breathless about the things, happen in Japan!
we should stand united with the japanese people, and try to help, were help is needed!!

At this time, the globe still turns around anymore, and i will start with 2pictures of hope....

3 pieces of the Berlin Wall, in my hometown.

Sonntag, 13. März 2011

Iám already shocked,about the things, happen in Japan, and the pictures on TV.The impressions from our last trip to Japan are very close, and so, for me its very difficult,going to "normality" at this time.So i decited for a posting break for a few days, until we are sure, there is no nuklear plast, and things are not moving to the worst case....


Freitag, 11. März 2011